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List of labs that are accepting outside samples




Posts: 61

Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:07 pm

Post Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:09 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hey Greg,

This is a great question and topic. Those listed are the big boys. I know also Novartis has some, but not sure who is running them. EMD Serono also has one. The better question would be the smaller biotechs or startups that might have one. My guess is there are not many as it's a huge investment. I'm guessing Standard Biotools would not be able to provide that information either.

GregHopkins wrote:
mleipold wrote:Hi Greg,

Short answer: no, I haven't compiled a list of organizations that have mass cytometry (suspension CyTOF, Hyperion, MIBI). I think it would be great to have such a list (or something more specific, like your industry-specific list).

More generally: off the top of my head, I know Genentech, Pfizer, GSK, Lilly, and your own BlueBird/2seventy are all pharma/biotech who operate their own mass cytometers in-house. It might also be something that Fluidigm/Standard BioTools could facilitate, since they obviously know where all their instruments are installed.


Thanks Mike. I know of a couple of folks who are in our backyard (and a couple on the other coast) that have used CyTOF or are still using it, but definitely don't have any vision further than that. I'd like to ask @Chad Stevens (if he's reading this) if he knows of others




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Post Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:45 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi Chad,

I would rephrase that slightly: I think providing that information is something that Standard Biotools is *capable* of doing, but is unlikely to do.

Honestly, I think it's short-sighted: there have to be differences in what the needs are for the difference Academic, Nonprofit/Gov, For-profit/industry user bases. It has never made sense to me why Fluidigm/Standard Biotools *doesn't* do more customer/field-specific outreach.




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Post Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:45 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hello All,

Some info on the topic of "Labs accepting outside samples" and connecting CyTOF users working in a Pharma, Biotech or CRO setting.

We (Standard BioTools) have started work on a project we're calling "Support the Core". A few of the key aspects of the program will include:

- Reaching out to Core directors, managers and operators (that are known to us through our database) to request their opt-in to receive email providing information that can be shared with their customers about new reagents, metals and antibodies; new application and technical notes; upcoming webinars, seminars and events; other developments of interest related to mass cytometry.

- We are looking at options to create a secure shared folder so that other potentially useful assets such as graphic images for webpage building can be downloaded.

- We may well post the list of labs accepting outside samples that Mike has so kindly managed once we get buy in from Cores that want to be on a list posted by a commercial organization. Not every Core director we have spoken to is ok with that so we will ask for express permission to share a Core's contact info in our initial outreach email.

- We are also launching this month a "No CyTOF? No problem." project which involves having a link on all CyTOF-related Standard BioTools pages to a form where site visitors can request to be connected with a Core that takes outside samples. The information will be sent to the proper regional Field Application Specialist (FAS) who will then facilitate the connection. The list of labs that Mike has created is being shared with our field employees.

Lastly, on the topic of connecting CyTOF users working in commercial settings - - We would be glad to facilitate such connections. We want to ensure privacy for those commercial organizations that would not want to be included on a publicly available list of CyTOF instrument installs, so I would love to hear ideas from Commercial users on how Standard BioTools can best be of help.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at clare.rogers@standardbio.com with your thoughts and ideas.

My best to all,
Clare Rogers
Marketing Director, Mass Cytometry
Standard BioTools



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Post Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:57 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached the latest list of Core Labs and companies offering mass cytometry services (dated 101822). Please note that there have been a couple cores with updated info since 060822's posting. There have also been a couple additional cores added, bringing the total to 64.

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in this post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-101822.xlsx
(78.71 KiB) Downloaded 1588 times



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Post Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:02 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached the latest list of Core Labs and companies offering mass cytometry services (dated 032223). Please note that there have been a couple cores with updated info since 101822's posting. There have also been a couple additional cores added, bringing the total to 64.

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in this post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-032223-posted.xlsx
(78.99 KiB) Downloaded 1611 times



Posts: 6743

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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:18 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached the latest list of Core Labs and companies offering mass cytometry services (dated 03Oct23). Please note that there have been a couple cores with updated info since 032223's posting: there have also been a couple additional cores added and a couple deleted (no longer offer CyTOF services). The total is now 61 facilities offering services.

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in this post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-Master List-03Oct23-as posted.xlsx
(78.17 KiB) Downloaded 1429 times



Posts: 6743

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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:11 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

It's been 9 months since the last Core Labs listing post below (03 Oct 2023). I know that there have been some changes in personnel at a few of the labs in the previous list, so it's probably a good time to update.

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in the previous post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me.

If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

I will plan to post the new update in about 2 weeks, so please fill out any updates soon!




Posts: 6743

Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:30 pm

Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:26 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

Here's the new CyTOF Cores list (05Aug2024).

Please let me know if there are any changes that didn't get updated: If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in the previous post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me.

If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-05Aug2024.xlsx
(78.96 KiB) Downloaded 1083 times

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