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List of labs that are accepting outside samples




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Post Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:47 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

Thank you for taking interest in this topic and updating your information with Mike.




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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:49 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

This is a weekly request for those Core Labs who want to be listed as offering mass cytometry services. I have set up a Google Form to more efficiently collect the info: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9

Including those who have reached out to me directly by email, we're now at 21 sites, mostly in the USA. I know there are a number of places on previous lists who haven't filled out their information again; in a week or two I'll try reaching out directly, but the more that update the information through the form or by emailing the Excel back to me, the easier it will be to follow up.




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Post Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:52 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

This is a weekly request for those Core Labs who want to be listed as offering mass cytometry services. I have set up a Google Form to more efficiently collect the info: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9

Currently, we're up to 37 sites.

I reached out directly to a large number of Cores around the world that were previously on the list, but a lot of personnel turnover and website URL changes have made it difficult to make sure I reached the right people. Therefore, please forward to any Cores (Academic, Non-Academic, or For-profit) who you work with.

I hope to post a newly updated list in a week or two.




Posts: 6725

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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:48 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached a new Excel of the Core Labs around the world who have updated their information and want to be publicly known as offering various kinds of mass cytometry services.

As of this listing, there are 51 cores (mostly non-profit academic) offering services.

Any other labs who want to be part of this listing, please fill out the Google Form ( https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9 ) or fill out the info on this Excel and send it back to my work email mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Core Labs listing-new listing 020722.xlsx
(16.79 KiB) Downloaded 609 times



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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:46 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached a new Excel of the Core Labs around the world who have updated their information and want to be publicly known as offering various kinds of mass cytometry services.

As of this listing, there are 55 cores (mostly non-profit academic) offering services.

Starting now, I will plan to post an update of this list roughly once a quarter.

Any other labs who want to be part of this listing, please fill out the Google Form ( https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9 ) or fill out the info on this Excel and send it back to my work email mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-022222.xlsx
(78.08 KiB) Downloaded 581 times



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Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:56 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

It's been over 3 months since I last posted the updated Core Labs listing. Since then, we have added a few more cores beyond those listed on the 022222.xlsx sheet.

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in the Feb 22 post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

I will plan to post an updated version of the sheet the week of June 15th.




Posts: 6725

Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:30 pm

Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:40 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi all,

I have attached the latest list of Core Labs and companies offering mass cytometry services (dated 060822).

If your lab *does* offer mass cytometry services and you want that to be publicly known, and have not added your group to the list, please fill out the Google Form here: https://forms.gle/XGa8JCyXiS1sfY7W9
Or fill out a new line in the Excel in this post and email it to me at mleipold{at]stanford.edu

Similarly, if any lab currently listed needs to be removed, please email me. If you have updated information, please fill out the form again and add a comment next to your name or email about new info.

Mass Cytometry Service Cores Listing-060822.xlsx
(78.93 KiB) Downloaded 600 times



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Location: 2seventy bio, Cambridge, MA

Post Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:50 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

though I know it might not be as easy to open the networks, get info volunteered, or find the contacts, has there been any thoughts in the community (that you are aware of) to having some type of listing of biotech/pharma companies that are using CyTOF? Perhaps this is something others here have thought of too?

As an biotech professional, I sometimes find it really hard to connect with some of my biotech mass cytometry peers beyond the small network I've already established, mostly (I'm assuming) from the information not being shared readily. There could be a lot of benefit from making those connections (from my perspective, especially other immuno-oncology companies who use CyTOF as a tool). I've met a ton of spectral flow users in my specific sphere, but not a ton of mass cytometry users. Maybe there aren't a ton of us, but it would be great to know at some level - it could make communications of our unique needs more well socialized and perhaps easier to take action on.





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Post Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:06 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

Hi Greg,

Short answer: no, I haven't compiled a list of organizations that have mass cytometry (suspension CyTOF, Hyperion, MIBI). I think it would be great to have such a list (or something more specific, like your industry-specific list).

More generally: off the top of my head, I know Genentech, Pfizer, GSK, Lilly, and your own BlueBird/2seventy are all pharma/biotech who operate their own mass cytometers in-house. It might also be something that Fluidigm/Standard BioTools could facilitate, since they obviously know where all their instruments are installed.




Posts: 26

Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:39 pm

Location: 2seventy bio, Cambridge, MA

Post Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:40 pm

Re: List of labs that are accepting outside samples

mleipold wrote:Hi Greg,

Short answer: no, I haven't compiled a list of organizations that have mass cytometry (suspension CyTOF, Hyperion, MIBI). I think it would be great to have such a list (or something more specific, like your industry-specific list).

More generally: off the top of my head, I know Genentech, Pfizer, GSK, Lilly, and your own BlueBird/2seventy are all pharma/biotech who operate their own mass cytometers in-house. It might also be something that Fluidigm/Standard BioTools could facilitate, since they obviously know where all their instruments are installed.


Thanks Mike. I know of a couple of folks who are in our backyard (and a couple on the other coast) that have used CyTOF or are still using it, but definitely don't have any vision further than that. I'd like to ask @Chad Stevens (if he's reading this) if he knows of others


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