Hi all,
1. Since there seems to be some interest in this again, I'd like to make a request: would *ANY* core/CRO/lab who offers suspension CyTOF, IMC, or MIBI services to people *outside their own lab* please fill out the attached Excel? This is the same 070819 Excel posted in the link in my initial response. I did make one change to the sheet: I added a column about type of center. For-profit CRO, Non-profit Academic, Non-profit Non-Academic.
This can range from just supplying the instrument (like many traditional cores) all the way through performing full-service work like Stanford HIMC or a CRO does (send unstained samples, and they perform the staining, running, etc).
For those Centers who were already on the list, please update your information as I know there have been a number of personnel changes at various institutions since July 2019 (such as Eric now working for SironaDX, rather than DFCI

. Contact person, contact email, website URL.
Alternatively: if people are interested, I can create a Google Form with similar entries for people to fill out themselves. However, there are a number of people who don't like or can't access Google Forms (since these email addresses and website URLs are already public, there shouldn't be as many privacy concerns, but.....).
2. Thanks Zach, Eric, and Natalia; I've added your entries to my master (slightly more updated) list, but they are not in the attached public Excel yet.