High-Dimensional Cytometry Analysis Support
Hi there CyTOF® Community,
I'd like to introduce you to Nanix. A small company out of New Zealand that offers a variety of support packages and a wealth of experience for analysing your CyTOF® (or other high dimensional cytometry platform) data.
We provide everything from direction or guidance around your own analysis pipelines; through developing custom scripts to get the exact output styles you need; to full analysis packages where we work with you to develop a tailored approach to getting the most out of your data.
We have worked with everyone from fundamental science academics, biotech companies and clinical trial groups all over the world.
If you are interested in our services, or would just like to connect please contact me at sam@nanix.co.nz or visit our website at www.nanix.co.nz
I'd like to introduce you to Nanix. A small company out of New Zealand that offers a variety of support packages and a wealth of experience for analysing your CyTOF® (or other high dimensional cytometry platform) data.
We provide everything from direction or guidance around your own analysis pipelines; through developing custom scripts to get the exact output styles you need; to full analysis packages where we work with you to develop a tailored approach to getting the most out of your data.
We have worked with everyone from fundamental science academics, biotech companies and clinical trial groups all over the world.
If you are interested in our services, or would just like to connect please contact me at sam@nanix.co.nz or visit our website at www.nanix.co.nz