Hi James,
You have to be careful about using nitric with the cones: I think they're made of stainless, and the nitric will eat the nickel out if you're not careful. I know of a lab years ago which had to replace a skimmer-reducer (smaller cone; the really expensive one) after someone accidentally left it in 3% nitric overnight.
If you do use it, use it briefly, no more than 5-10min or so, then rinse with plenty of water.
Honestly, we use citranox for the cleaning of the glassware when needed. I think we source it from Sigma-Aldrich.
For the cones, there's also the Brasso cleaning method discussed here:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1066&p=3178&hilit=brasso#p3178 I don't know if it's Fluidigm-approved, but a lot of people use it.
I would also recommend getting some long pipe-cleaners/fuzzy craft straws to scrub out the injector. Cotton swabs (Q-tips, "cotton-tipped applicators", etc) are also good for scrubbing lightly at the cones before or after any of the cleaning methods.
I don't know if Fluidigm mentioned it, but some super fine-grit sandpaper is often useful for occasionally scrubbing the igniter pin, and a green kitchen scrubby pad (the ones that look like a pad of steel wool, but are some kind of plastic) is good for occasionally scrubbing the Rf coil. In both cases, make sure that you wipe them off thoroughly with methanol on a Kimwipe afterward.......keep wiping until the Kimwipe comes back clean.