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Digest email - a new notification option now available

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Posts: 76

Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:46 pm

Location: US, CA

Post Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:47 pm

Digest email - a new notification option now available

Dear CyTOForum members,
Since we launched our new and improved email notification system, we have seen an increase in posting volume.
I'm personally gratified that the community finds CyTOForum a useful resource to share ideas and communicate. This is precisely what we had envisioned when we launched the site back in 2013.

However, as posting volume increased, email notifications have put a strain on already busy mailboxes.

In order to allow members more flexibility, we installed a new announcement option - Digests.

Digests aggregate messages for a desired period. You can choose daily, weekly, or monthly.
The Digest will be sent to you at a time you specify, so you can have your morning coffee with a strong dose of mass cytometry!

To subscribe to Digests go to the User Control Panel (link just below the banner) and from the left menu choose Digests (click here for direct link).
When you click on the Digests option, you will see four sections with additional settings: Basics, Forums Selection, Post Filters and Additional Criteria.
At a minimum I suggest that, under Basics, you set the "Type of digest" and "Hour sent" (see note below).

If you choose to discontinue individual post notifications, you can do so in the User Control Panel under "Board preferences" -> "Edit post notification options" (click here for direct link).

I hope this option proves useful and happy to receive feedback.

Forum admin

Note: Please note that for scheduling to work, you will need to set your time zone in the User Control Panel under "Board preferences" -> "Edit global settings" -> "My timezone" (click here for direct link)



Posts: 76

Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:46 pm

Location: US, CA

Post Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:52 pm

Re: Digest email - a new notification option now available

Hi all,
I wanted to resend the announcement of the Digest option in case it got lost in the torrent of CyTOForum emails last week :-)
If you don't know what that is, click here to learn more.

I recently found that an advantage of using Digests is that images are attached to the Digest email. This is a very convenient feature for those who don't necessarily want to visit the web site on an ongoing basis.

Also, I would like to acknowledge the work done by Peter Acs and sponsorship of Holden Maecker, both at HIMC, courtesy of whom this and other improvements were made possible. Thanks both!


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