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Palladium Barcoding Buffers

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Post Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:21 am

Palladium Barcoding Buffers


I'm planning to use the Cell-ID 20-Plex Pd Barcoding Kit, and I noticed that some of the buffer solutions (e.g. the 1X Barcode Perm Buffer) are prepared by dilution in PBS. However, I'm suspecting that phosphate in PBS interfers with my antibodies. Therefore, I want to avoid using PBS and I'm planning to use normal saline instead. Would this cause any issues? Does anyone have experience using saline instead of PBS when barcoding?




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Post Fri Feb 03, 2023 10:19 pm

Re: Palladium Barcoding Buffers

Hi Nicolas,

I doubt it makes much difference what you dilute with, though I would probably still have it as a buffer of some sort just to avoid any pH swings. So, something like HEPES would probably work, or TBS if you really want to keep the saline.

Ultimately, just trying it out would be the best way forward.


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