Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:13 pm by CRStevens
I just realized this thread was in here and wanted to put my 2 cents into the conversation as we have extensive experience with this method.
As Mike has mentioned with a single clone of Ab the consistency of conjugation is pretty good. Usually somewhere in the 80-100 metal atoms/ab range for us.
How we perform the quantification of metal per antibody is upon finishing conjugation we know our final concentration of Ab is 500ug/mL based on nanodrop A280 measurements followed by dilution. We then will take 5uL of this Ab prep and digest it in 495uL of 2% HCL acid at 60C overnight. After this we then further dilute that digest in 4500uL of 2% nitric acid. From here we use a standard solution from Inorganic ventures as a standard curve on an ICP-OES instrument to determine ppb of our metal in our digested Ab solution. The result will be something like 40ish ppb. We then calculate metal atoms per antibody based on a worksheet that DVS used to have on its website. If I can find the original file, I'll upload it.
Hypothetically you could run this standard solution and also your digested Ab on the CyTOF as well if you don't have access to an ICP-OES or ICP-MS, but it might not be as sensitive.
It really is about converting your ppb to metal atoms per mL, then dividing metal atoms per mL by Ab/mL.