Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:33 pm by mleipold
Hi Yiwen,
Correct. There is no actual Gd155 in the Tuning solution: the 155 mass is LaO.
Yes, formally it would be more stringent to define oxide ratio as LaO/La (155/139). I have no idea why DVS/Fluidigm/SBio decided to do it that way.
The "name" of mass 155 is irrelevant. By happenstance, there is no other element with an isotope at mass 155 (like now Tb is the only element with a mass 159 isotope). Therefore, by Fluidigm's software scheme, you have to select "155Gd" in order to monitor/measure the 155 mass channel. But on a fundamental level, that is a software labeling issue, not a hardware issue. If you want to measure the 113 channel, you could choose 113In or 113Cd, and the TOF+detector wouldn't "care". I personally feel it's misleading to your future self and anyone else who uses your data to "mislabel" the element label, as the spillovers of 113In are not the same as 113Cd. But, in terms of data acquisition, it's irrelevant.
Formally, yes, the correct masses of true 155Gd vs "155Gd" (139La+16O) are slightly different. I'll let someone from Fluidigm or some other hard-core MS expert make a deep-dive formal response to the differences between standard ICP-MS measurements vs those from a CyTOF, at the level of 0.02 mass units.
That said: the "mass" is calibrated during the Mass Calibration step of the Tuning process. This is based off the 133Cs and the 193Ir masses in the Tuning, which are used to define what mass 133 and mass 193 are (ie, the TOF arrival times of ions of those masses), and then the mass/arrival times of all the other masses are calculated off that framework. So, when we're "measuring" mass 155, what we're actually measuring are the ions that arrive at the TOF arrival time calculated to correspond to mass 155. This arrival time can drift over long runtimes due to some things like vacuum levels in the TOF chamber: as such, this is one reason why long runtimes usually need a redo of the Tuning. This was particularly an issue for CyTOF1s which in my hands never really completely stopped drifting; in my hands, Helios (CyTOF3) are much more stable, and so retuning is usually more to do with DV changes than Mass Cal changes.
So, given an arrival time of X for mass 155, the software then captures the signal for a TOF window +/- y: so, from X-y to X+y. The sum of that signal (roughly area under the curve) is what is then reported as the signal for mass 155. My *guess* is that the 0.02 mass unit variance between true 155Gd and "155" (139La+O16) would amount to a shoulder on that ion peak, but still fall in the X-y to X+y calculation window to be summed as mass 155, and still retain baseline resolution between adjacent masses (between 154 and 155, and between 155 and 156). Lower masses like 133Cs have narrower TOF arrival distributions (ie, the TOF peak is narrower) than higher masses like 193Ir (see attached PDF), and yet there's still baseline resolution between mass 193 and mass 194.