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Searching for CyTOF papers




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Joined: Tue May 15, 2018 1:38 pm

Post Wed May 16, 2018 6:20 am

Searching for CyTOF papers

I am doing a literature search in order to prepare for a CyTOF run. I could not find a MESH term in Pubmed for mass cytometry (though there is one for flow cytometry), and in Cytoforum could not find a way to write an advanced search (even free text which is not in the title cannot be found).
Any ideas on how I can find CyTOF papers with additional search values?




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Post Wed May 16, 2018 3:03 pm

Re: Searching for CyTOF papers


Board index ‹ Resources ‹ Literature currently provides 479 topics.





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Post Wed May 16, 2018 3:24 pm

Re: Searching for CyTOF papers

Hi Rachelly,

As Samuel said, we have a Literature section on Cytoforum, which I do my best to keep up to date.

using ["mass cytometry" OR cytof]
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=e ... f%22&btnG=

using [("mass cytometry") OR cytof]
Pubmed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?ter ... tometry%22)%20OR%20cytof

using ["mass cytometry" OR cytof]
Scifinder: https://scifinder.cas.org/scifinder/login (often free for academic users)
9176 references were found containing either the concept "mass cytometry" or the concept "cytof".

Of course there will be a lot of duplicates to remove in Google Scholar or Scifinder; Pubmed's usually pretty clean/unique.

I guess I have a more basic question: is there a particular reason that you're doing a *complete* literature search to start your CyTOF experiments, rather than something more targeted for your particular assay/tissue type/markers/etc?




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Post Thu May 17, 2018 4:00 am

Re: Searching for CyTOF papers

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the answer.
I'm looking for cell *subsets* that were measured in CyTOF - so I'm not interested in the basic markers but in more refined ones defining smaller populations. Of course my search includes more search items and not only "cytof".
In the Cytoforum I could not find a way to make the search go beyond the titles, which are written in each post.
Your idea of looking simply for "mass cytometry" may be my best option, though it will find only papers in which the words "mass cytometry" are mentioned in the abstract or title. At present day, most CyTOF papers may still mention the technology in the abstract, but I guess it won't be this way for long. Similarly, one wouldn't necessarily expect to find "microarray" in the abstract, but as a MESH term.
I was just surprised there is no such MESH term in Pubmed.




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Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:30 pm

Location: Stanford HIMC, CA, USA

Post Thu May 17, 2018 2:50 pm

Re: Searching for CyTOF papers

Hi Rachelly,

I'm not sure that you'd be able to find that sort of marker-based subsetting information, even for regular flow cytometry gating. At least, not in a machine-searchable format.

Or, put another way: no one has yet implemented on a grand scale anything like Jonathan Irish's Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM) or Antonio Cosma's prime-number-based subset tagging:


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