Re: Progressive increase in signal background
This is a great thread and ongoing issue here.
Adeeb, that seems to make sense to me. I believe there may be multiple causes to this increase in signal over time. How long were the samples acquired for in your report? Also, were they intracellularly stained or just surface? Were the samples, especially the without water rinse samples, which were run second, sitting at RT or in the fridge? Also, were they barcoded?
I have a hypothesis that the combination of barcoding, intracellular stain, and long acquisition/sitting in solution over the course of a day may be causing some of the same issues seen with the wash solution case. In the attached pic, you can see the concatenation of 4 files, each run in succession, without wash solution running in between with exactly the same pattern as seen above. This sample was barcoded, intracellularly stained, and run in CAS over the course of the 4 two hour runs. I believe that the amount of fixing and perm that is happening with the aforementioned steps is causing the degradation of the cells and over the day, even with the sample sitting in the fridge, sitting in CAS still causes some degradation. As you can see, the signal is slightly better at the beginning of each successive run than the end of the previous run, however, the starting signal gets progressively worse over the course of the day.
Has anyone seen anything of the sort?