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Apply adjusted scaling settings to new data in flowjo

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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:07 am

Post Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:04 am

Apply adjusted scaling settings to new data in flowjo

I was wondering if someone knows how I can apply adjusted scaling settings to new data. I adjusted the scales of all parameters (cytof data) in a flowjo and now I want to apply these adjusted scaling settings to a new set of FCS files.



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Post Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:55 pm

Re: Apply adjusted scaling settings to new data in flowjo

Hi Willem,

Assuming that you have processed the new files under the same workflow before putting them in FlowJo, then you can often get the same settings applied by:
1. taking your original WSP
2. leaving at least one of the "old" FCS files in the WSP
3. adding your new FCS files

In my experience, that *usually* applies the "old" WSP settings to the "new" FCS files. Once that happens, you can usually delete the "old" FCS file.

It doesn't always work to take the old WSP, delete all old FCS files, and then toss in the new FCS files....sometimes things rescale a bit.


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