Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the great reply (and clarification)! A couple further comments.
1. Re EQ bead lot: to the best of my knowledge, there has been only one batch synthesis of Fluidigm EQ beads ("bucket"). This is why so far there's only been one Passport for normalization.
From what I've been told, the different Lot numbers are different "dips" out of that same "bucket"....while the metal content of the beads in a neutral solution should be pretty stable even over years (as demonstrated in some of the early Abdelrahman and Thickett papers from the Winnik lab), formally it would still be something Fluidigm needed to track.
However, assuming Fluidigm *does* release new EQ beads containing Y, In, and Bi (see
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1868 ), then I assume that a new Passport(_ver3?) would be required: I would assume a slight variation even in the Ce/Eu/Ho/Lu content between the two types of beads, since nothing is ever *perfectly* reproducible.
I assume that Fluidigm will correct my statements if they are wrong.
2. Regarding sample+ion transmission efficiency, Solution vs Beads: I would think that the sample transmission efficiency of the droplets (Solution *or* Bead-containing) from the nebulizer to the plasma (nebulizer, spray chamber, injector) should be the same.
I do agree that the efficiency of a continuous line of ions from a Solution may differ from the efficiency of discrete clouds/bundles of ions from Particles. I'm not sure which to expect to be higher efficiency getting into the Sample orifice: Solution would be relatively unchanging, while Particle Cloud efficiency would depend partly on total ion cloud expansion related to total metal content (as well as specific path/transit time through the plasma, one reason why the tighter focusing of the HT injector changed the Event Length).