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anti-human panTCR gamma delta for FFPE (Parrafin) IMC

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:26 pm
by IrinaM
Dear IMC Experts,

Could anyone please recommend a clone (as well as supplier) for anti-human panTCR gamma delta for FFPE (Parrafin) IMC? The one clone available from Fluidigm 11-F2 seems to work for flow Cytometry/suspension mass Cytometry, but is not recommended for IHC (P) so most likely would not work for FFPE IMC ...
Has anyone tried the B1 and H-41 clones and could recommend a supplier for H-41? Are you aware of any other ones that would work for this application?

Thank you so much, your input is greatly appreciated,

All the best,


Re: anti-human panTCR gamma delta for FFPE (Parrafin) IMC

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:25 pm
by tpichar
Hi Irina,

I haven't personally tried clone H-41, but it can be purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (catalog # sc-100289) at the below link:

The below linked paper used this clone for IHC in FFPE human lung tissue (see Fig. S3B):
Commensal Microbiota Promote Lung Cancer Development via γδ T Cells (Jin et al, Cell 2019) ... 16544#sec4

It was also used in this paper recently as well (Table 1):
MATISSE: An analysis protocol for combining imaging mass cytometry with fluorescence microscopy to generate single-cell data (Krijgsman et al, CellPress STAR Protocols 2022) ... via%3Dihub

I hope this helps!