Error on post-ablation panorama

Hi everyone
we keep getting an error, when the post-ablation ROI panorama is trying to start.
Really knocks us back, as it then doesnt start the next ROI & just sits there all night.
Fluidigm are looking at it, but i wondered if anyone else has come across this?
and found a workround?
here is the text from the log:
Unexpected error [No buffer arrived within the specified timeout.].
Error of receiving of an image frame from camera in the snapshot mode, result code=-50.
Camera snapshot(scan) receiving error [-20].
Autofocus error.
(code : -60))
we keep getting an error, when the post-ablation ROI panorama is trying to start.
Really knocks us back, as it then doesnt start the next ROI & just sits there all night.
Fluidigm are looking at it, but i wondered if anyone else has come across this?
and found a workround?
here is the text from the log:
Unexpected error [No buffer arrived within the specified timeout.].
Error of receiving of an image frame from camera in the snapshot mode, result code=-50.
Camera snapshot(scan) receiving error [-20].
Autofocus error.
(code : -60))