2017-Rahman et al-Cytometry B Clin Cytom
Rahman AH, Lavin Y, Kobayashi S, Leader A, Merad M
Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2017
"...We also thank Mike Leipold and Christoph Schwärzler for their insightful discussions and contributions on CyTOF Forum on a wide range of topics including mass cytometry background contamination".
ChristophS wrote:Hi Astrid,
since no single element would have an isotope composition that could explain this pattern it looks a bit like the BSA you use may have traces of Mischmetal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischmetal) which typically is composed of a majority of Cerium (you should see ~8% of your 140 signal in 142) and other lanthanides. It is used in lighter flints and (wild hand-waving) the cattle may have ingested one of those or the pastures are in the vicinity of mines or production plants.
Hope this may help to shed light on the problem. BTW did you check alternative sources of BSA?
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