2025-Soupir et al-Stat Data Sci Imaging
"Benchmarking Spatial Co-Localization Methods for Single-Cell Multiplex Imaging Data with Applications to High-Grade Serous Ovarian and Triple Negative Breast Cancer"
Alex C. Soupir, Ishaan V. Gadiyar, Bryan R. Helm, Coleman R. Harris, Simon N. Vandekar, Lauren C. Peres, Robert J. Coffey, Julia Wrobel, Siyuan Ma & Brooke L. Fridley
Stat Data Sci Imaging. 2025, 2, 2437947
- reuses 2018-Keren et al-Cell
Alex C. Soupir, Ishaan V. Gadiyar, Bryan R. Helm, Coleman R. Harris, Simon N. Vandekar, Lauren C. Peres, Robert J. Coffey, Julia Wrobel, Siyuan Ma & Brooke L. Fridley
Stat Data Sci Imaging. 2025, 2, 2437947
- reuses 2018-Keren et al-Cell