2025-George et al-Cell Rep
"Anatomical, subset, and HIV-dependent expression of viral sensors and restriction factors"
Ashley F George, Jason Neidleman, Xiaoyu Luo, Julie Frouard, Natalie Elphick, Kailin Yin, Kyrlia C Young, Tongcui Ma, Alicer K Andrew, Ifeanyi J Ezeonwumelu, Jesper G Pedersen, Antoine Chaillon, Magali Porrachia, Brendon Woodworth, Martin R Jakobsen, Reuben Thomas, Davey M Smith, Sara Gianella, Nadia R Roan
Cell Rep. 2025, 44, 115202
- "The raw datasets generated for this study can be found in the public repository Dryad and accessible at the following link: https://10.5061/dryad.vhhmgqp2q ."
- Clicking on the article's link directs to https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.vhhmgqp2q ; "DOI Not Found"
Ashley F George, Jason Neidleman, Xiaoyu Luo, Julie Frouard, Natalie Elphick, Kailin Yin, Kyrlia C Young, Tongcui Ma, Alicer K Andrew, Ifeanyi J Ezeonwumelu, Jesper G Pedersen, Antoine Chaillon, Magali Porrachia, Brendon Woodworth, Martin R Jakobsen, Reuben Thomas, Davey M Smith, Sara Gianella, Nadia R Roan
Cell Rep. 2025, 44, 115202
- "The raw datasets generated for this study can be found in the public repository Dryad and accessible at the following link: https://10.5061/dryad.vhhmgqp2q ."
- Clicking on the article's link directs to https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.vhhmgqp2q ; "DOI Not Found"