2025-Ranek et al-preprint
"QUICHE reveals structural definitions of anti-tumor responses in triple negative breast cancer"
Jolene S. Ranek, Noah F. Greenwald, Mako Goldston, Christine Camacho Fullaway, Cameron Sowers, Alex Kong, Silvana Mouron, Miguel Quintela-Fandino, Robert B. West, Michael Angelo
bioRxiv, posted January 08, 2025
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- reuses NeoTRIP IMC data: 2023-Wang et al-Nature
- "Data Availability MIBI-TOF data and cell segmentation masks for both the Spain and Stanford TNBC cohorts are publicly available in the BioStudies repository under the accession number S-BIAD1507 at https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/bioima ... S-BIAD1507.
Jolene S. Ranek, Noah F. Greenwald, Mako Goldston, Christine Camacho Fullaway, Cameron Sowers, Alex Kong, Silvana Mouron, Miguel Quintela-Fandino, Robert B. West, Michael Angelo
bioRxiv, posted January 08, 2025
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- reuses NeoTRIP IMC data: 2023-Wang et al-Nature
- "Data Availability MIBI-TOF data and cell segmentation masks for both the Spain and Stanford TNBC cohorts are publicly available in the BioStudies repository under the accession number S-BIAD1507 at https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/bioima ... S-BIAD1507.