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2024-Landgren et al-Blood

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:31 pm
by mleipold
"Efficacy and Safety of Daratumumab in Intermediate/High-risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma: Final Analysis of CENTAURUS"
Carl Ola Landgren, Ajai Chari, Yael C Cohen, Andrew Spencer, Peter M Voorhees, Irwindeep Sandhu, Matthew W Jenner, Dean Smith, Michele Cavo, Niels W C J van de Donk, Meral Beksac, Phillippe Moreau, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Diego Vieyra, Linlin Sha, Liang Li, Els Rousseau, Robyn M Dennis, Robin Carson, Craig C Hofmeister
Blood. 2024

- "Biomarker studies included immunophenotyping of whole blood samples collected at baseline and at regular intervals during and after daratumumab treatment to evaluate immune cell populations (eg, natural killer cells, T cells) via flow cytometry and/or mass cytometry. For the Short intense arm, only data collected after the last daratumumab dose were available."
- "Biomarkers Daratumumab treatment consistently decreased the frequency and absolute numbers of natural killer cells (CD45+CD3−CD16+CD56+) while increasing the frequency and absolute numbers of T cells (CD45+CD3+) in all 3 dosing arms. These daratumumab-mediated effects on immune cells persisted throughout treatment (Supplemental Figure 4).
- however, no information about which assay was performed for which samples, nor any panel information.

- no dataset accession given