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2024-Wang et al-ACS Nano

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 10:17 pm
by mleipold
"Biomimetic Dendritic Cell-Based Nanovaccines for Reprogramming the Immune Microenvironment to Boost Tumor Immunotherapy"
Weizhong Wang, Cheng Zou, Xiao Liu, Lei He, Zhengcong Cao, Maorong Zhu, Yuxin Wu, Xiaolin Liu, Jiying Ma, Yaoliang Wang, Yile Zhang, Kuo Zhang, Shuning Wang, Wangqian Zhang, Wei Liu, Wei Lin, Yingqi Zhang, Qingdong Guo, Meng Li, Jintao Gu
ACS Nano. 2024

- no dataset accession given
- also, fundamental uncertainty about what was actually performed: Methods only list Flow cytometry, Supplemental only lists flow (and Western) antibodies. No CyTOF methods in Supplemental
- However, Figure 3 is supposedly CyTOF data, and "42 heavy-metal-tagged antibodies, and the infiltrating immune cells were then categorized via a validated, data-driven, unsupervised clustering method" is stated in the nearby paragraph