2024-Amitay et al-preprint

"Immune organization in sentinel lymph nodes of melanoma patients is prognostic of distant metastases"
Yael Amitay, Idan Milo, Tal Keidar Haran, Saif Deis, Guy Truzman, Ofer Elhanani, Tomer-Meir Salame, Michal Azimov, Ilan Stein, Jonathan E. Cohen, Michal Lotem, Eli Pikarsky, Leeat Keren
bioRxiv, posted November 26, 2024
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- no dataset accession given
Yael Amitay, Idan Milo, Tal Keidar Haran, Saif Deis, Guy Truzman, Ofer Elhanani, Tomer-Meir Salame, Michal Azimov, Ilan Stein, Jonathan E. Cohen, Michal Lotem, Eli Pikarsky, Leeat Keren
bioRxiv, posted November 26, 2024
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- no dataset accession given