2024-Delmastro et al-preprint

"IFNγ-Expressing Myeloid Cells Localize within Lipoproteinosis during Drug-Associated Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis occurring in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis"
Alea Delmastro, Candace C Liu, Xiao-Wen Ding, Serena Y Tan, Inna Averbukh, Marc Bosse, Timothy Keyes, Surbhi Sharma, Gail Deutsch, Michael Angelo, Vivian E Saper, Elizabeth D Mellins, Erin F McCaffrey
bioRxiv, posted November 23, 2024
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- "Data and code availability All processed images, cell segmentation masks, lipoproteinosis masks, annotated single-cell data, and per-FOV meta data are deposited in Mendeley’s data repository and can be accessed using the following link: https://doi.org/10.17632/pbywrb297x.1.
Alea Delmastro, Candace C Liu, Xiao-Wen Ding, Serena Y Tan, Inna Averbukh, Marc Bosse, Timothy Keyes, Surbhi Sharma, Gail Deutsch, Michael Angelo, Vivian E Saper, Elizabeth D Mellins, Erin F McCaffrey
bioRxiv, posted November 23, 2024
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- "Data and code availability All processed images, cell segmentation masks, lipoproteinosis masks, annotated single-cell data, and per-FOV meta data are deposited in Mendeley’s data repository and can be accessed using the following link: https://doi.org/10.17632/pbywrb297x.1.