2023-Yount et al-preprint

"Unique T cell signatures are associated with reduced Chlamydia trachomatis reinfection in a highly exposed cohort"
Kacy S Yount, Avinash Kollipara, Chuwen Liu, Xiaojing Zheng, Catherine M O'Connell, Bruce Bagwell, Harold C Wiesenfeld, Sharon L Hillier, Toni Darville
bioRxiv, posted August 03, 2023
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- no CyTOF dataset accession given
Kacy S Yount, Avinash Kollipara, Chuwen Liu, Xiaojing Zheng, Catherine M O'Connell, Bruce Bagwell, Harold C Wiesenfeld, Sharon L Hillier, Toni Darville
bioRxiv, posted August 03, 2023
- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published
- no CyTOF dataset accession given