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2023-Miyoshi et al-preprint

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:28 pm
by mleipold
"Spatial and single-nucleus transcriptomic analysis of genetic and sporadic forms of Alzheimer's Disease"
Emily Miyoshi, Samuel Morabito, Caden M. Henningfield, Negin Rahimzadeh, Sepideh Kiani Shabestari, Sudeshna Das, Neethu Michael, Fairlie Reese, Zechuan Shi, Zhenkun Cao, Vanessa Scarfone, Miguel A. Arreola, Jackie Lu, Sierra Wright, Justine Silva, Kelsey Leavy, Ira T. Lott, Eric Doran, William H. Yong, Saba Shahin, Mari Perez-Rosendahl, Elizabeth Head, Kim N. Green, Vivek Swarup
bioRxiv, posted July 26, 2023

- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published

- no dataset accession given

Re: 2023-Miyoshi et al-preprint

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:31 pm
by mleipold
Now published:

Nat Genet. 2024

- "Source imaging data as well as Hyperion source data are available with figshare using this link."
link: Figshare ... ase/217339
- for the Hyperion IMC data, that page links out to Figshare ... e=48363667

Re: 2023-Miyoshi et al-preprint

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:39 pm
by mleipold

The Methods section states "We then incubated the sections with the primary antibody cocktail diluted in 0.5% BSA/PBS with 0.2% Triton X-100 overnight at 4 °C. The antibodies and dilutions used in the primary antibody cocktail are given in Supplementary Table 29."

However, if you download the Supplemental table (single Excel file, multiple tabs for the different Supplemental tables), Supplemental 29 tab is "Supplementary Table 29: Female vs Male DEGs in the 6 month 5xFAD dataset (MAST , two-sided test)".

I checked the other tabs, and I still didn't find it.