2023-Stevens et al-Cytometry A
"Mass-cytometry for the multiplexed quantification and characterization of target expression on circulating cells in whole blood"
Chad R Stevens, Kondala Atkuri, Daniele L Menard, Lindsay E King, Hendrik Neubert, Polina Goihberg
Cytometry A. 2023
- "Data availability statement The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in FlowRepository at URL: http://flowrepository.org/id/RvFrPiYqD2 ... Rk48ZacEx; Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z5S2"
Reviewer link works; regular FR-FCM-Z5S2 returns "Sorry, you do not have access to the specified experiment."
Chad R Stevens, Kondala Atkuri, Daniele L Menard, Lindsay E King, Hendrik Neubert, Polina Goihberg
Cytometry A. 2023
- "Data availability statement The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in FlowRepository at URL: http://flowrepository.org/id/RvFrPiYqD2 ... Rk48ZacEx; Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z5S2"
Reviewer link works; regular FR-FCM-Z5S2 returns "Sorry, you do not have access to the specified experiment."