Hi Kwon,
A few things to discuss:
1. The 20plex Pd barcode system (or the Tellurium barcoding that SBio has in beta:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5070) is cell-type agnostic, whereas CD45 only works properly with cells that express CD45. In many cases, that's fine, as you're studying T cells or something, but can be an issue for other sample types (bone marrow) or cell types (CD34+) which don't express CD45 as much. Even CD298 or b2m barcoding can slip up depending on marker expression.
2. The Pd barcode system is 6-choose-3 (102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110). If I'm understanding you correctly, you're proposing to add a 4-choose-1 (194, 195, 196, 198) scheme of CD45-Pt on top of this, for a final result of 10-choose-4 (3 Pd, 1 CD45). This should work out, as each sample will only receive 1 CD45 (and 3 Pd).
- you have to be careful when doing affinity-reagent-based barcoding like CD45, as the individual CD45 probes are generally the same clone, which means they're in competition with each other. So, 1 CD45 would 100% of CD45, 2 CD45 would be 50/50 in each channel, 3 CD45 would be 33/33/33/ in each channel, and so forth.
- you can see this competition in Figure 1 here:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4323739/ ; as a result, I probably wouldn't recommend doing more than 3x CD45 in a *single sample*.
3. 8-choose-3 would give you 56 possible barcodes (
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl ... gure/F223/ ): therefore, if 56 BCs are sufficient for your experiment, it would be possible to do this using no Pd 20plex reagents at all, only combinations of 8 CD45 channels in groups of 3. SBio sells several CD45 reagents (including Cd and Pt), so it would be possible to do it with just catalog reagents if you choose.
One final issue (that I've seen a number of people inadvertantly make): If you *do* use any CD45 barcode reagent, remember this is also probably in competition with any CD45 lineage reagent you might be using (eg, same clone as CD45-89Y in MDIPA, for example). So, if you *are* using a CD45 lineage reagent for gating purposes, either make sure you're using a different lineage clone, or take that into account with your experimental set-up, including order of steps. For example, if you stain CD45 BC first and surface lineage second, your lineage staining is going to be a lot lower than if you did it first. However, if you do lineage first and CD45 BC staining second, your BC staining will probably be dimmer.
Formally, you can dodge this a bit if you decide that anything that is properly CD45-barcoded is therefore inherently CD45+, and therefore anything that makes it through debarcoding is CD45+ (in other words, debarcoding has kind of gated on CD45+ for you).