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High-Dimensional Cytometry Analysis Support

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:47 pm
by NanixLtd
Hi there CyTOF® Community,

I'd like to introduce you to Nanix. A small company out of New Zealand that offers a variety of support packages and a wealth of experience for analysing your CyTOF® (or other high dimensional cytometry platform) data.

We provide everything from direction or guidance around your own analysis pipelines; through developing custom scripts to get the exact output styles you need; to full analysis packages where we work with you to develop a tailored approach to getting the most out of your data.

We have worked with everyone from fundamental science academics, biotech companies and clinical trial groups all over the world.

If you are interested in our services, or would just like to connect please contact me at or visit our website at


Re: High-Dimensional Cytometry Analysis Support

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:51 pm
by mleipold
Hi all,

I've received some questions in direct email about whether commercial entities can advertise their services/products on Cytoforum.

The answer is yes. For example, we've always allowed Fluidigm to mention new products on here. More recently, Glass Expansion posted about potential machine parts in their catalog. And both Fluidigm and Cytobank have posted notices for Webinars.

I do not see computational services as being different in any substantial way, so any said entities should be feel free to post links back to their pages, or other contact information.

That said, of course be brief and infrequent about making such posts: advertising (products or services) should be a *very* minor part of what Cytoforum is about, so the majority of such communication should be done offline directly between the vendor and the potential customer. And, as a disclaimer, it should also be understood clearly that Cytoforum is not making any recommendation (positive or negative) to any commercial post.
