Post Fri Sep 16, 2022 4:00 pm

2022-Gadjalova et al-preprint

"B/T cell crosstalk and aberrant inflammatory IgG exacerbate autoimmune intestinal inflammation"
Iana Gadjalova, Julia M Heinze, Marie Christine Goess, Julian Hofmann, Julian J Albers, Ria Spallek, Birgit Blissenbach, Annalisa Buck, Marie-Christin Weber, Emely Scherer, Maximilian Kampick, Rupert Oellinger, Oleg Krut, Roland Rad, Katja Steiger, Christof Winter, Klaus-Peter Janssen, Philipp-Alexander Neumann, Raif S Geha, Juergen Ruland, Selina J Keppler
bioRxiv, posted September 15, 2022

- will update when/if this is peer-reviewed and published

- no CyTOF dataset accession given

- I'm a bit unclear on what the authors mean by "To balance the influence of markers with different dynamic ranges, we performed background subtraction and channel-based normalization." In their workflow, this is mentioned in the FlowJo analysis part.